Tension is mounting in Turkey. What happens if the AK Party doesn't win a majority?

For 13 years, the AK Party (Justice and Development Party) has ruled Turkey. Then, on June 6, a wheel came off the President Erdogan's chariot on his race towards changing the constitution to gibve him complete power and now one axel is dragging on the ground. Turkey is going around in circles.

November 1, an historical moment, is starring the Turkish nation in the face. What will happen if the second election in a few months yields yet another parliament in which the AK Party has to share power? And what if the Kurdish people yet again have seats in the Parliament in Ankara?

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$500 million - That's what it is costing Turkey each month for its refugees"


Five Hundred Million dollars a month. That's what the Turkish government is paying out of its depleted coffers to take care of its Syrian and Iraqi refugees. Costs go towards: tents, food, medicine, clothing and security. Just the basics.

Only small amounts are going towards education, jobs creation, counselling and more serious medical issues. How is Turkey going to manage during this coming winter?

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Diplomacy towards Israel - Drying up. All eyes are now on Syria.

There's little hope of a break-through for Israel and the Palestinians. All eyes are now on Syria.

The questions are mounting up. Will Iran become part of a solution? Will Egypt be invited to join ranks of the "new consortium looking for peace"? And what could peace in Syria possibly look like?

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:Turkey's Thug-ocracy" - Gladstone Institute

It's not easy being a reporter in Turkey. In fact, it's down right dangerous, especially before the upcoming election on Sunday.

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Why Are Muslims leaving for "The Evil West"?

Refugees want to go to Germany
Burak Bekdil once again highlights the conflicting emotions and decisions of Muslims.

To stay in many parts of the Middle East is to face an uncertain future, perhaps persecution, war, poverty and death.

But, to leave the Middle East, h
aving Berlin as one's destination, is to put the hope of a peaceful future in the hands of a father's family.

Why leave the heartland of Islam for the "Evil West"?

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Is Turkey dancing with ISIS? An opinion from Turkey

Burak Bekdil has a habit of getting under the skin of the authorities.

In this article, he shows that Turkey is "dancing" with ISIS.

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Syrian Headaches - Stolen archaeological items

On top of all the bombing, killing and destruction in Syria, comes news of unending woes.

Archaeological treasures are being looted.

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"3,000,000 more refugees coming to Europe next year" - Turkish Daily News

What does Turkey expect, now that Russian airplanes are bombing the opposition forces to the Syrian President? Could it really be true that another 1,000,000 refugees could be on their way to seek safety in refugee camps in Turkey, just north of the Syrian- Turkish border?

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Just think about it. Syrian refugees heard that friends and neighbors made it safely to Europe during the last few months. What can the EU expect next summer, given the warm welcome German officials have extended to these Syrian (and other) refugees. Could next summer see many times more refugees on their way to find safety and comfort?

Turkish authorities detained 1,451 refugees in the last few days as they tried to make it to Greek islands. During the last several months, 56,697 refugees were turned back.

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Gasp- From Turkey - The world's largest floating "Peace Sign" - Turkish Daily News

Incredible coordination brings together hundreds of swimmers to form the Guinness World Record for the world's largest floating Peace Sign.

Click on the video.

"Should European countries pay for the transport of refugees?" - Al Monitor

Should the countries of Europe pay the cost of refugees coming to their shores?

Would this be the way to get rid of "human smugglers"?

This is a very provocative idea going around the corridors of decision makers in Europe. What is your opinion?

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"13 of Turkey's best archaeological sites ruined through incompetent 'Restoration' " - Turkish Daily News

What a pity!

The archaeological restorations in 13 sites in Turkey have been ruined through the incompetence and short sightedness of managers.

People in offices, working in Ankara or other large cities don't and  won't spend the time necessary to decide on the best way to keep up their ancient heritage!

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Is this the end of the road for the Oslo Agreement? What comes next for Israel and the Palestinians?

What can be done to salvage the Oslo Agreement? Can anything positive come out of this week of meetings and speeches in the UN to further peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians?

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Reactions in Iran as Hajj victims arrive from Saudi Arabia

This is anything but a pleasant sight. The victims of committed Muslims arriving back in Iran after being trampled to death during the Hajj.

Reactions are bound to be very emotional. This will further increase the gulf (figuratively, if not geographically) between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

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"Palestine is no longer bound by previous agreements with Israel...unless" - AlJazeera

President Abass' declaration at the UN yesterday was important for many reasons.

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Also, yesterday was the first time that the Palestinian flag was flown at the UN.

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