"Is Germany Importing Terrorists?" - Denison Forum

Security officials in Europe are worried that the large number of refugees coming from Syria could conceal terrorists.

Major concerns: First should Europeans be afraid of Muslims?
Second, What should the response of Christians be to this unprecedented movement of people?

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"Turkey's election and 'thug-ocracy'." - Burdak Bekdil

On November 1, Turkey's second election in five months brought the ruling party back to Parliament. However, the number of parliamentarians in the AK Party is not sufficient to take a proposed change of government to the population for a referendum.

President Erdogan wants to concentrate all power in his own hands, changing the system of government from a Parliament to a Presidency. But did the 'thug-ocracy' in closing down newspapers show the way forward to bring a proposal to the Turkish people? Will the Turkish Government respect basic human rights, or will the political climate in Turkey continue to deteriorate?

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Syrian extremism has come to France. Is it coming to the rest of Europe? - Gatestone Institute

Different types of extremism are being seen in Germany as Syrian and Middle Eastern immigrants and refugees confront a completely different culture.

Beyond "condolences" for the families of those who lost members in Paris, what else can be said and done?

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"After a 52 year ban, Syrian Kurds are now being taught their language in schools" - Al Monitor

It's only taken one or two full generations, but Syrian Kurds are able to learn their own language in schools - once again. 52 years later!

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"The Saudi king Salman, 1000 guests in one of the top hotels for 18 days, and red carpets..."

Antalya - a wonderful city for fantastic holiday
Today's Zaman, the well-known Turkish daily published a fascinating insight into the way that the Saudi King Salman spends his well-earned money. He booked all 560 rooms for 18 days at a reported cost of $18,000,000. During his two week plus holiday, he will never step on Turkish ground, having had red carpets laid for his feet. Bathrooms needed "upgrading".

Rooms per night cost between 800 euros to 15,000 euros - for each room.

This must be a wonderful hotel if King Salman is willing to stay there for 18 days and nights.

In order to accommodate the king's personal effects for the 18 days, 16 trucks carried his clothing and other necessities.

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That's not all. He needs 400 luxury cars for himself and his guests. Normal, "special" cars are not sufficient. Of course, there is the small item of "security", and he is happy for those 65 armored Mercedes cars to guard him.

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Unemployed youth in the Middle East complain that they have no jobs and restlessness is leading to the hollowing out of many communities across countries in the region as young men try their luck in Europe. Let's pray that there will be a spirit of generosity from Europe towards the plight of young men who have become hopeless, but that a similar spirit will persuade those in power to share with joyful generosity, especially investing in the future of succeeding generations.

"For Obama an Israel-Palestine peace treaty is not in the works" - Al Monitor

Why aren't we surprised? President Obama doesn't expect Israel and the Palestinian leaders to come to any kind of a compromise any time soon.

Did we need it spelled out in words? Wasn't their body language enough to shout it to the world?

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What is Islam's "Doctrine of Deception?" Why is it important to understand?

Ben Carson, who is seeking the nomination of the Republican party as USA Presidential candidate, argues that Islam has a "doctrine of deception".

What does this mean?

Is it important to understand what the term means?

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"Five wars are taking place in Syria" - AustralianStratigic Policy Institute

War and cruelty are not new in the M.E.
Why there won't be peace in Syria any time soon. Five wars are going on at the same time and this important Middle Eastern country is being picked to pieces, much like vultures flying around a dying body,  anxious for its own piece of the corpse.

1. The ‘original’ war between the Assad regime and the largely Sunni Arab rebellion against it,
2. the war between the Kurdish YPG (Peoples’ Protection Units) and the Islamic State organisation,
3. the conflict between the rebels and Islamic State in the north and south of the country,
4. clashes between the Islamic State and the Ass
ad regime in Homs and Aleppo provinces, and finally
5. Turkish attacks on the Kurdish YPG (most recently in the town of Tel Abyad) because of that organisation’s links with the PKK (Kurdish Workers Party).

Can anyone image what "Peace" will look like in this country in the future?

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"Russian and Israeli jets over Syria - Sharing the air space for now" - Al Monitor

Both Russian and Israeli jets are flying over Syria.

How long can this last without "an incident"?

What is the message each is giving the other?

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Why ISIS is Islam's worst nightmare in 1,400 years

Why ISIS is Islam's worst nighmare in 1,400 years?
A street in Downtown Beirut
At the present time, there are five simultaneous wars going on in Syria!

ISIS, or ISIL, has upset all the previous balances worked out in the Middle East over hundreds of years. Historical forms of Islam feel as though they are under attack. The terrorist activities of ISIS have brought condemnation from every other nation in the neighborhood, and beyond, especially Russia and the USA. No one has been able to put a stop to these Muslim fanatics after almost two years of atrocities: rapes, beheading, cruel jokes, slavery of women, destruction of historical cities and crucifixions.

A suburb in Cairo, Egypt
After hearing of such atrocities, many Muslims are beginning to discuss perplexing elements
in the Hadiths and the Quran. Before, these were accepted as truth, but now ...  One discussion on Egyptian TV was whether the urine of a camel is medicinal, or not. An iman said, "Yes" and a medical doctor said, "No." this caused an enormous row. Another discussion: how a woman should behave in a business full of men. The Hadiths indicate that she should give her breasts to the men to drink milk, so that they would "become her sons". This act would take away the sexual temptations the men might otherwise have towards her. Many other discussions are causing Egyptians to question the veracity of their faith.

These discussions, especially in Egypt (openly discussed on TV) and in Iraq (discussed in government circles and in the market place) mean that for the first time in hundreds of years Muslims are beginning to question tenants of their faith. But ...even "doubt" earns the wrath of Allah.

As a result, not thousands, but hundreds of thousands, and some say millions, are backing away from their Muslim faith.

HINT: You will not learn about this in the Western Media, since any discussion of Islam is practically "forbidden" (read "editorial policy"). But, if you listen to people on the ground - observing the changes that have taken place in the last four years, you will learn fascinating stories of people coming to faith in Isa Mesih (Jesus Christ). Some imams are changing their loyalties. Across the region, in several countries, the desire for a new kind of peaceful coexistence between Muslims and Christians is growing.  Never, in 1400 years (according to several witnesses from the region) has their been such a serious attack, an intellectual attack of critical thinking, on Islam, as that brought about by the arrival of ISIS