"Turkey-Israel dialogue works 'miracle' for Jews in Istanbul" - Al Monitor

Turkey's Jews marked a milestone Dec. 13 with a public celebration of the Hanukkah Holiday, said to be the first in the republic's history after decades of Hanukkahs marked behind closed doors in synagogues or homes. Members of the tiny community took to the streets for the ceremony, as the tradition requires, lighting thousands of candles at Istanbul’s Ortakoy Square.

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"Turkey Lobbyists bring Ankara's war with Gulen to Washington" - Al Monitor

This is an excellent article on lobbyists from Turkey attempting to force Washington to extradite Gulen to Turkey for trial. It is also a good source of information on lobbyists activities from the Middle East as they attempted to sway Washington to the political needs of their homelands.

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Canadian Liberalism welcomes refugees. Why doesn't Middle Eastern hospitality do the same?

Burak Bekdil addresses a key question millions are asking. Refugees are welcomed with open arms in the West, for example most recently in Canada. Why don't they find the same reception in the Middle East? He writes:

"My column neighbor (and ex-sparring partner) Mustafa Akyol was perfectly right when he praised “Canadian liberalism” after a cute children’s choir in Canada welcomed Syrian refugees by singing “Tala al-Badru Alayna” (The Full Moon Rose Over Us), the tune that was sung to welcome the Prophet Muhammad upon his arrival in Medina from Mecca in 620 (“Canada: A bright hope for liberalism,” Hürriyet Daily News, Dec. 16).

"It was truly sweet of the choir. Unfortunately, the kind of peaceful co-habitation and interfaith dialogue the saner parts of the world long for requires a two-way journey. The reason for the insanity we observe today is NOT because elsewhere in Christian lands children’s choirs do not welcome Muslim refugees with holy Muslim songs. It is, rather, related to why Muslims in their homelands or in non-Muslim lands are possibly centuries away from the kindness that justifiably inspired Mr. Akyol.

"Forget, even in a world of fiction, the possibility of Muslims welcoming Christian refugees with hymns in their Muslim lands. Just look at what they do to their Christian compatriots. See, for instance, how the Muslim Brothers, when in power, treated the Coptic Christians in Egypt: Arson attacks on churches instead of peaceful hymns."

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"Why an Israel-Turkish pipe line for Natural Gas is a bad idea.

Mediterranean gas needs to get to Europe

Daniel Pipes argues that Israel would make a bad decision by agreeing to the construction of a pipe line through Turkey to Europe for natural gas found under the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Israel. He gives several reasons for his point of view.

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"The Fall (and recovery?) of Anbar Province" - Middle East Forum

What does the fall of Anbar Province mean for the future?

Read more.

Will Anbar Province be taken back again by the Iraqi government?

Read more.

"Turkey celebrates 'The Night of Union' - Whirling Dervishes able to dance for a L O N G time!

Thirteenth-century mystic Mevlana Jalaladdin Rumi was celebrated on the 742nd anniversary of his death in the Central Anatolian province of Konya. The anniversary is celebrated as “Şeb-i Aruz” (Night of Union), marking Rumi’s “reunion” with God.

This is a branch of Islam that most people do not know about.

See all 32 photos.

"Damage by ISIL no less than the Prophet Mohammed cartoons" - Turkish Daily News

Damage done by Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militants is no less than the damage caused by that wrought by “Islamophobic” drawers of "intolerable cartoons," Mehmet Görmez, head of the Turkish Religious Affairs (Diyanet), has said.

“Today, the damage caused the networks, distant from any belief, reason and wisdom, who engrave the name [of God] on their so-called flags is no less than the [damage caused by] cartoons –intolerable by any means– by the pioneers of Islamophobia,” said Görmez on Dec. 21 in his message on Mawlid an-Nabi, the Islamic anniversary of the birthday of Prophet Muhammad, which is on the night of Dec. 22 this year.
Read the whole article.

"For Many in the Middle East, Faith comes at a High Price" - New York Times

"AS we celebrate the holidays, let’s remember that this is one of those savage epochs when some families must choose between their faith and their lives. It is an echo of when Nero burned Christians alive, or when self-described Christians unleashed pogroms against Jews.
"Partly because of allergies about religion, the international response has been utterly ineffective. Liberals are sometimes reluctant to champion Christians who are persecuted for their faith. And conservatives are too quick to champion only Christians, neglecting other religious minorities — such as the Yazidis — who suffer even worse fates. One result of this “God gulf” is that the Western response to atrocities against religious oppression is pathetically inadequate." Nicolas Kristof

Read the whole article.

"A Carved stone block upends previous assumptions about ancient Judaism" - NYT

This excellent article in New York Times focuses on the Magdala Stone, which was found in the town of Magdala in 2009. Some are aware of a person in the life of Jesus Christ, Mary Magdalene, who came from there.

The stone was likely used in the Synagogue of Magdala. It is extremely important in attempting to understand ancient Judaism.

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Contrasting the White Daesh (Saudi Arabia) with the Black Daesh (ISIS)

Kamel Daoud contrasted the behaviour and culture of Isis (black Daesh) with the state of Saudi Arabia (white Daesh).

He began: “The former slits throats, kills, stones, cuts off hands, destroys humanity’s common heritage and despises archaeology, women and non-Muslims. The latter is better dressed and neater but does the same things.”

But the west wages war on one while shaking hands with the other and forgetting that the kingdom “relies on an alliance with a religious clergy that produces, legitimises, spreads, preaches and defends Wahhabism, the ultra-puritanical form of Islam that Daesh feeds on.”

(This is a penetrating criticism from The Guardian that some readers may not appreciate.)

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"Obama's Middle East Delusions" Middle East Forum

Middle East Forum author Efraim Karsh isn't particularly impressed with the decisions made by President Obama towards the Middle East. Is the word "Delusions" too strong a word?

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How many "Friends" does Turkey have right now? Not a lot! Time to: "Love thy Neighbor!"

Turkey isn't in the best position right now.
Count its friends and count its neighbors.

Burak Bekdil has a solution: "Love thy neighbor".

Read more on fascinating regional developments.

" San Bernardino - the 355th mass shooting in 336 days" - Washington Post

Speaking after the Colorado Springs shooting last week, President Obama urged Americans to not let this type of violence "become normal."

But the data show that this type of incident already is normal. There have been more mass shootings than calendar days so far this year.

Read more.

King Hezekiah's Seal found at Jerusalem: What this archaeological discovery means

An extraordinary discovery has been made in the archaeological digs at Jerusalem.

Ancient remains of the City of David - yielding new clues
The signet ring of King Hezekiah has been found and identified.

What does this signify in terms of the history of Israel? Of the reliability of the Scriptures?

Watch the 9 minute video.

"Muslims and Islam: Key Findings from Research around the world" - Pew Research

Pew Research has brought us so much data on Muslims and Islam that it would take a week to digest it all.
A suburb of Cairo, Egypt

This is a very important web site for anyone who wants to get an accurate picture of Islam and Muslims in today's world, far removed from political parties and attempts to manipulate opinion makers.

Read the whole article.

"Ex Muslims explain why they left Islam - in Great Britain" - BBC

Tens of Thousands of Muslims in England have publically declared why they are leaving their Islamic beliefs. For some, this is liberating; for others, it is against their faith and deeply disappointing. This fair-minded BBC report takes us into a little known aspect of Muslim life in Great Britain.

Watch the video.

"California couple pledged allegiance to ISIS, to Califate" - Globe and Mail

In what is sure to become an even more important story across the world, the California couple who killed 14 and wounded 21 is believed to have pledged allegiance to ISIS.

Read more.

And ISIS has hailed the couple as 'Soldiers of the Caliphate".

Read more.

"Caliphate Accompli" - or "How presidents don't understand ISIS's true nature.

The true nature of ISIS was not well understood by President Obama in his recent address to world leaders,

Read more.

"The Sunni-Shia split in theology is tearing the Middle East apart"

What is the ideological split in the Middle East and how is this tearing up whole nations and religions, cities, towns and villages.

Read more on the split between the Sunni and Shia division.