"The Muslim Way vs. the Western Way of Life" - Frontpage Magazine

This insightful article says that "Islam has the will to win, but not the way; The West has the way to win by not the way".

"In the ongoing struggle between Islam and the West, one important fact is regularly overlooked:  one civilization has the will to triumph, but not the way; the other has the way to triumph, but not the will.

"Some who fear Islam do not seem to understand this.  They think that Islam is an irresistible force to be reckoned with; they see Muslim migrants as hordes of violent men invading Europe; they call on Western men to make a stand, resist the onslaught, save their women and children."

Read it all.

"How goes the Islamic State?" Combating Terrorism

"Over time though, it appears that the Islamic State itself has sought to restrict the dissemination of unauthorized information, aiming to ensure that as much of the information as possible that is broadcasted within its territories and to the outside world comes solely through its official channels.[1] Meanwhile, Islamic State crackdowns on perceived spies and unauthorized media activity may deter or prevent activist groups from obtaining documents. In these circumstances, this author has also sought to obtain internal documents from connections established through prior travel to northern Syria.

Some documents discussed in this paper are being published here for the first time and are attached at the end of this article.[a] Though the available documents can offer some very valuable insights into the internal workings of the Islamic State, it must be recognized that they cannot be thought to represent"

This article from Combating Terrorism Center is a valuable contribution to those who want to see an end to ISIS. Read it all.